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Working Together


Working Together

Working Together



Trentino Alto Adige is one of 18 Italian Regions that are successfully experimenting the intergenerational learning model for over-sixties promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The courses were held at the Istituto Comprensivo Bassa Anaunia in Denno. The final day reflected the enthusiasm and satisfaction for the experience. School administrator Paola Barolo described it as “a success beyond any expectation and one that will be repeated during the next school year.”
Professor Cosimo Zaccaria, who managed the innovative project locally and focused on the true needs of its senior citizens, coordinated the tutors, all eighth grade students.

Watch an interview with Prof. Zaccaria:






Tutor Enrico Finandri, 13, explains how difficult it can be to teach elders.
Watch the interview with the tutor: 








For further information:  Grandparents on the Internet


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