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Work in Sight

Social Media Marketer
Foto di George Milton

Work in Sight

Work in Sight

Greta addresses her experience Dig4All.

Today we meet twenty-six-year-old Greta and learn about her journey into the digital world. Greta is participating in the specialized Social Media Marketer course, which is part of Project Dig4All. Financed by the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale (Onlife Call), Dig4All is an initiative that will provide reskilling and upskilling to 240 young people aged 15-34 who currently neither study nor work (NEETs). The project will be held in six regions of Central and Northern Italy, including Lombardy, Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Umbria, and Lazio. Registration will remain open until all places are filled.


I am 26 years old and graduated in Visual Arts from the University of Bologna in July 2023. My decision to enrol in the DIG4All Social Media Marketer Course was based on the evaluation of the limited job prospects available to me at the end of my university studies. At the same time, I understood the importance of developing transversal skills, particularly in the increasingly expanding context of information technology and the digital world.

The choice to take this course came from my interest in learning more about the world of digital communication and social media. The topics covered in the course modules provide a skillful balance between basic skills and more specific and technical competences.

I immediately appreciated the course delivery methodologies. Lessons were available both live, allowing direct interaction with the teacher and the other participants, and recorded, providing the flexibility to access the lessons, support materials, and exercises directly from the platform, at any time. In general, I found the lessons interesting and very engaging. They were carefully balanced between theoretical aspects and practical exercises, which further enriched the learning experience. I also found it very useful and functional to be supported throughout the course by a tutor, who was available to provide details and clarifications on the course and technical support at any time.

I firmly believe that this course has provided me with useful and versatile skills, which can be transferred to various professional contexts. I hope that, with these new skills and the support of the tutors, I will be able to successfully access the labour market and enjoy new horizons and professional perspectives.

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