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Work in the Digital Era

Work in the Digital Era

Work in the Digital Era

“Today’s great challenge, to which even the Fondazione Mondo Digitale contributes, is to help schools to educate young men and women to orient themselves amidst change, so they can interpret and govern the transformations and manage increasing complexity. We have created innovative didactic environments to integrate codified knowledge, like that provided by school, with hard and soft competences, character values and fundamental values for coexistence.”


The Giornale dell'agenda digitale, the Digital Agenda Magazine, is on-line with a new article by Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, on the role played by school in the digital transformation of Italy. “Day after day,” explains Mirta Michilli, “we try to develop that which Tullio De Mauro described in this article on the Internazionale: “La scuola rivoluzionaria è quella che insegna a risolvere problemi nuovi“ (in Italian).


Digital Competences

Working in the Digital Era: a few ideas for preparing the new generations

The gap between school and the working world seems to be growing wider, according to the latest surveys. Students need competences, especially digital ones, and soft skills. This is what schools can do to help their students orient themselves amidst change and manage complexity.


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