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Words to Speak

Words to Speak

Words to Speak

Team Robo Book from the Istituto comprensivo Via Nitti in Rome won the 13th International “City of Rome” Robotics Trophy in the On Stage Category with a performance inspired by the Gianni Rodari’s nursery rhyme "Parole" [see news: RomeCup 2019 - Winners].



In this interview with Cecilia Stajano and Ilaria Bonanni, before the final round, the two young team members describe their project for RomeCup 2019: "a work that unites grammar and robotics.”


The two students are both 9 years old and are attending the fourth year at primary school, where they are trained by their enthusiastic teacher-coach, Flaminia Mariotti.



Here is a short clip of the Team Robo Book performance, filmed with a smartphone.


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