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Women Driving Change

Most powerful women

Women Driving Change

Women Driving Change

Mirta Michilli amongst the “50 most powerful women 2023” of Fortune Italia

following the lessons of female leadership that emerge from the 50 profiles of the Most Powerful Women 2023, presented yesterday, October 12, by Fortune Italia at the MPW Convention, moderated Fortune Italia Head Reporter Margherita Lopes, at the Rome SDA Bocconi University.

Among the profiles of the 50 women "driving change," there also is Mirta Michilli, who has directed the Fondazione Mondo Digitale since its birth, over 20 years ago, as the Consorzio Gioventù Digitale.

The most powerful women 2023 are "50 professionals, managers, entrepreneurs, and successful women in a range of sectors who have demonstrated commitment and perseverance to achieve important goals. The profiles on the MPW Italia 2023 list represent a selection of the best female energy in Italy, which an authoritative and independent advisory board has identified amongst proposals presented by the editorial staff, self-candidatures, and community reports."

The October issue of Fortune Italia is dedicated to them, with the story of the cultural and social change of which Italian women are protagonists.

A loro è dedicato il numero di ottobre del magazine di Fortune Italia, con il racconto del cambiamento culturale e sociale di cui le donne italiane sono protagoniste.


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