Teachers and administrators of all schools have been receiving our proposal on how to enrich the selection of courses provided at their schools.
There are historical projects that have become true intervention platforms like Grandparents on the Internet and Coding Girls, and more recent proposals such as Ambizione Italia for Schools that helps students and teachers to explore new enabling technology (i.e. artificial intelligence). And, as always, we share useful didactic resources with teachers to help them develop transversal support courses for core subjects that make even distance learning more efficient and pleasing.
New projects include Social Hosting Hub in partnership with the Sant'Egidio Community, ActionAid and Parole O_Stili. The objective is to create and populate the first phyrtual (physical and virtual) educational ecosystem composed of connections, relations and communities as a safe space for everyone, especially children. These are concrete, age-specific tools providing information, correct communicational and behavioural styles, transformative learning and developing new paradigms to live together based on common values. This is a crucial challenge in these times of uncertainty that are strongly conditioned by the prolonged Covid-19 emergency.