Emilio Santoro, 56, is the father of a nine-year-old and the coordinator of the parents committee at the Istituto comprensivo E. Curiel in Tribiano, a small town in the Metropolitan City of Milan. He is one of the parents participating in the meetings of Fully Enjoy the Internet, the educational programme on on-line security promoted with Google, the Italian Postal Police, Altroconsumo and Anteas.
“Enjoying these exchanges with experts is fundamental. They help us to understand how to educate our children to a conscientious use of digital tools,” explains Emilio.
“Over the past two years, even our youngest children had to gear up for distance learning. My daughter immediately learned how to use YouTube. And I think it’s ok. I don’t think we there can be an age limit for using the Internet. Not allowing children to use technology would have been like forbidding them from watching TV in the seventies.
Of course, we keep an eye on her while she is using her tablet and we can check her history. However, technology and the Internet, are making giant leaps very quickly.”
As a parent, Emilio, fears falling behind and not being up to helping his daughter. “This is why I believe it’s so important to keep updated and listen to who can provide us with sound advice. Also, because threats on the Internet are not readily visible. The screen that separates us from others alters our perception of risk and even reality. There are children in primary school already using WhatsApp to exchange messages. Could they not use the wrong words or express themselves wrongly? I certainly believe it could happen. And now I’m scared my daughter could have issues managing relations with others on-line.”