We’ve reached the last month of school - or better, the last month of the school year, as we will continue to host activities …
Notwithstanding the fact that nearly all students have returned to school, our support activities continue in blended fashion this week, too, based on local contexts. This week’s virtual labs include the following projects: Ambizione Italia for Youth, Coding Girls, Factor J, Health4U, OpenSPACE and Fully Enjoy the Internet.
Some labs will be held in presence for OpenSPACE in Phyrtual Innovation Gyms in participating schools.
Service projects involving all citizens to improve digital, functional and soft skills include Ambizione Italia for Youth (COL users), Starting Back Up Together, Job Digital Lab, School of Internet for Everyone and Vagone FMD. From 01 to 100.
The cycle of on-line seminars dedicated to soft skills for the labour market continue with the Rome Youth Information Centre - Informagiovani Rome Capitale. The second appointment, dedicated to social skills, is scheduled for Wednesday, May 12, at 4 pm on the GoToWebinar Platform.
In particular, we would like to draw your attention to:
- May 10-14: Digital Skilling Week promoted by Microsoft. Today, at 5 pm, Francesca del Duca will participate in Mind the Gap: Solutions by the Experis Academy to Bridge the Skills & Gender Divide [see news: Microsoft Skilling Week]
- May 12-15: second part of RomeCup 2021 with selections for the phyrtual world robotics championships
- May 12, 10:30 am: final event for Project StartUp Lab, part of Programme Job Digital Lab with ING Italia [see news: 20 Aspiring Entrepreneurs]
- May 13, 11:00 am: Coding Girls a year of work for gender equality [see news: Women Developers]
- May 14, 12:00 am: Cybertalk with Silvia Bonomi, Professor, Sapienza University of Rome
Due to the ongoing emergency situation and in order to allow everyone to participate in the International Global Junior Challenge, the deadline for project submission has been extended to July 31, 2021.
Finally, remember that you can download the book Interland: Digital Adventures book on the website of Fully Enjoy the Internet. The book is also being distributed (in print) to 80 schools [see news: Travelling with Grandpa].
11.05 4:00-5:30 | Signs and Signals | Lab with “Our School” Professors| OpenSPACE | Coach Ornella Formati | Platform: GoToWebinar
13.05 4:30-6:30 | Multidimensional skills for Education | Motivazione in Action | Module 2 for Secondary School | Ambito 22 Padova Sud Ovest | with Cecilia Stajano
14.05 4:00-5:30 | Sound Lab with Fiammetta Castagnini | OpenSPACE | Platform: GoToWebinar
12.05 5:00-6:30 | Module 4 - Promote Kindness: Cyberbullying and Hate Speech | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Platform: Gotowebinar
12.05 6:00-7:00 | Module 4 - Promote Kindness: Cyberbullying and Hate Speech | Fully Enjoy the Internet | ICS Ronco all'Adige | Platform: Gotomeeting
13.05 6:00-7:30 | Safeguard Your Personal Information: Data and Privacy | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Istituto Alfieri | Platform: Gotowebinar
10.05 10:30-12:00 | Curricular Integration Lab - Stop Motion | OpenSPACE | Coach Matteo Viscogliosi | classi 1B e 3E
10.05 11:55-1:35 | Kodu and Scratch Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Elisa Chierchiello | Class I D of hub school, IC De Andreis - Milan
10.05 2:00-3:30 | Coding Lab | Course A | OpenSPACE | Coach Elena Cerbara | IC Madre Teresa - Calcutta
10.05 3:00-4:30 | Digital Thesis Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Daniela Brunno | IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
10.05 3:30-5:00 | - Gaming & AI | Advanced Course | Ambizione Italia per i giovani | Coach Lara Forgione
10.05 3:30-5:00 | Digital Thesis Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Irene Caretti | IC Borgese - Palermo
11.05 8:05-9:45 | Kodu and Scratch Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Silvia Franceschini | Class I A of hub school, IC De Andreis - Milan
11.05 11:00-12:30 | Gentle Communication | Fully Enjoy the Internet | First degree secondary school | Platform: GoToWebinar
11.05 2:00-3:30 | Media Art Lab | OpenSPACE | Artist Coach Marco Mendemi | Mixed Group – 7th grade | Hub School, IC De Andreis - Milan
11.05 3:00-5:00 | Module 10 – Know Your Rhythm: Heart and Fibrillation | Health4U | Experts from Johnson & Johnson
11.05 3:00-4:30 | Digital Thesis Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Daniela Brunno | IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
11.05 3:30-5:00 | Digital Thesis Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Irene Caretti | IC Borgese - Palermo
11.05 3:30-5:00 | Gentle Communications | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Second degree secondary school | Platform: GoToWebinar
12.05 9:50-11:50 | Media Art Lab | OpenSPACE | Artist Coach Marco Mendemi | Mixed Group – 7th grade | Class 2L, Hub School, IC De Andreis - Milan
12.05 11:00-12:30 | Gentle Communication | Fully Enjoy the Internet | First degree secondary school | Platform: GoToWebinar
12.05 2:00-3:30 | Coding Course for a mixed group – 8th grade | OpenSPACE | Coach Lara Forgione | IC Madre Teresa di Calcutta - Milan
12.05 4:00-5:30 | Digital Manufacturing Lab, blended mode | OpenSPACE | Coaches Irene Caretti and Matteo Viscogliosi | Hub School, Don Milani - Bari | Platform: Meet
13.05 8:05-9:45 | Kodu and Scratch Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Silvia Franceschini | Class 2 D, Hub School, IC De Andreis - Milan
13.05 9:00-11:00 | Digital Manufacturing and Rapid Prototyping Lab (proximate) | OpenSPACE | Coaches: Maurizio Marrara, Saverio Asciutto, Emanuele Marino | IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
13.05 10:30-12:00 | Storytelling | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Primary School | Platform: Gotowebinar
14.05 9:00-11:00 | Digital Manufacturing and Rapid Prototyping Lab (proximate) | OpenSPACE | Coaches: Maurizio Marrara, Saverio Asciutto, Emanuele Marino | IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
14.05 11:00-12:00 | Storytelling | Fully Enjoy the Internet | Second degree secondary school | Platform: Gotowebinar
14.05 11:50-1:40 | Kodu and Scratch Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Elisa Chierchiello | Class IL, Hub school, IC De Andreis - Milan
14.05 12:00-1:00 | Cyber Tall with Silvia Bonomi | Coding Girls
14.05 3:00-4:30 | Digital Thesis Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Daniela Brunno | IC Telesio - Reggio Calabria
14.05 3:30-5:00 | Gaming & AI | Advanced Course | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Lara Forgione
14.05 3:30-5:00 | Digital Thesis Lab | OpenSPACE | Coach Irene Caretti | IC Borgese - Palermo
14.05 4:00-5:30 | Digital Manufacturing Lab, blended mode | OpenSPACE | Coaches Irene Caretti and Matteo Viscogliosi | Hub Schoo, Don Milani - Bari | Platform: Meet
14.05 3:00-5:00 | Social Awareness | OpenSPACE | Scout Group Bari 10 | Coach Astrid D’Eredità
10.05 10-12 | Help Desk for over-65s | Starting Back Up Again Together | Help Desk managed by students at the Liceo Plauto
ALL: unemployed, Neet, workers, etc.
12.05 10:30-12:00 | final event: Start Up Lab for Women | Job Digital Lab
12.05 2:00-4:00 | Local Marketing and Community Engagement | Live Digital Lab | Vagone FMD| Register: EventBrite
12.05 4:00-5:30 | Social Skills | On-line course with Rome Informagiovani Service| Alberto Manieri, FMD Coach; Vicenzo Aucone, Informagiovani Rome, Coach; Simona Zuccala, Informagiovani Rome, Coach | Platform: GoToWebinar
13.05 | Fact Checking: Behind Fact Evaluation | Check Talk | Vagone FMD | with Pagella Politica and Facta.news | Register: EventBrite
10.05 5:00-6:30 | On-line Communications online | Course with Rome COL Network | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti
14.05 5:00-6:30 | On-line Writing | Course with Rome COL Network | Ambizione Italia for Youth | Coach Nicoletta Vulpetti