2 min.
Web-surfing Grandparents La Sicilia, Thursday 17 November 2011, Province of Catania, page 48
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The Internet, which is usually known for the gap it drops between younger and older generations, is now bringing them closer together thanks to the Nonni SUD Internet Project that kicked off yesterday at the Leonardo Scientific Lyceum.
High school students will teach pensioners from the Anteas Cisl Trade Union how to use a computer and the Internet. The Nonni SUD Internet Plan is promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in partnership with Anteas, Auser and the support of the Fondazione con il sud.
Prof. Grazia Raciti, a teacher at the Leonardo School, manages the project. “As the Anteas Fnp centre in Giarre, we have experienced a great deal of enthusiasm for this initiative, even via the National branch of Anteasa,” explains Enzo Orazio Tornatore, the Giarre Centre President. In fact, Mr. Tornatore says: “we are aware of the problems that elders face everyday with computers. This project aims to improve their knowledge about PCs and allow them to socialize via new technologies.”
The aim of the project is promote digital literacy amongst elders. “The pensioners will then be able to transmit this knowledge to other elders," adds Mario Cocuccio, local Cisl manager. Prof. Previtera, Regional Coordinator for Cisl retired women and member of the Giarre board, emphasizes that the majority of the attendants are women. Maybe they are more adventurous and curious than men in facing new challenges after retiring.
"Often," explains Prof. Previtera, "many retirees, even university graduates, risk falling back into illiteracy. They are not familiar with computers and the Internet and are at risk of exclusion from advanced forms of socialization.” In Sicily, this initiative that was solicited by the national Anteas office, is held in Marsala and Giarre. M. G. L.