“The issues addressed were very interesting and the coaches explained everything in a very simple and efficient manner. I really believe everyone should attend one of these courses, not just parents and children … kind of like one does to get a driving license, right? Before driving on the road, you have to take a course. Similarly, it would be important to have basic skills to begin using the Internet. These meetings also promoted opportunities for discussion at home. After the course on fake news, I confronted my husband and children and realized that, especially my older son, was already aware of many things.”
Silvia Ombrellini is a young professor, mother of two, aged ten and thirteen. She participated in the Be Internet Awesome Courses dedicated to parents.
Both children have their own computers, which they mainly use for school. “We bought the PCs two years ago for the first lockdown and they were forced to attend school via distance learning,” explains Silvia. “We are not always with them when they use their PCs, but we have installed a software that allows us to monitor what they do.”
The older son started using his computer independently, also for personal projects. “Using a PC stimulates your curiosity. You can do so many things and discover new programmes. He also developed a couple of videogames and uploads content to a YouTube Channel, which allows him to express himself on-line.”
Silvia also tells us about her worries as a mother: “I worry that they may encounter subjects and situations that they are not ready to face. However, my worries are balanced by the fact that we have an open communication channel. We speak a lot, and they often ask for advice. Together, for example, we faced the issue of phishing. I must say the kids are so much faster at understanding how to use a PC. Technological innovation is relentless, and it’s hard to keep informed about the latest developments. This is another reason I believe training is very important. If you think about it, as technology evolves, so do the risks connected to it …”