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Virtual reality in agriculture

La realtà virtuale nell’agricoltura

Virtual reality in agriculture

Virtual reality in agriculture

With Meta viewers in the AgriSmartLab path, organised by CIA and xFarm Technologies

From 24 to 26 March, on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale (Digital World Foundation) will be participating in the Masaf agricultural village in Piazza della Repubblica, within the space of the Confederazione italiana agricoltori (CIA) (Italian Farmers' Confederation), to promote the conscious and creative use of immersive technologies in the primary sector.

In the AgriSmartLab itinerary, organised by CIA and xFarm Technologies to accompany children, young people and adults on a discovery of agriculture 4.0, the Foundation offers an immersive learning experience with Meta Quest virtual reality viewers. Participants will be able to experience a realistic simulation of agricultural activities thanks to the popular Farming Simulator, exploring innovative and sustainable scenarios for cultivation and land management.

The initiative is part of a broader collaboration to promote a culture of innovation among young people, through educational experiences that combine technology, sustainability and new professional skills. The CIA space will also be animated by the Association of Young Agricultural Entrepreneurs of Cia-Agricoltori Italiani (Agia), which will give a voice to the under 40s, agrinfluencers and ambassadors of the agricultural future.

Three days of events, workshops and meetings to stimulate the interest of the new generations in the challenges of contemporary agriculture, in dialogue with Italian and European institutions.

Elisa Amorelli, head of communication and social marketing, is taking part in the event. The stand is run by Debora Cavallo, Marta Pietrelli, Naissa Niyaoui, Daniele Vigo and Ludovico Davino.

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