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The Value of Human Relations

Il valore dei rapporti umani

The Value of Human Relations

The Value of Human Relations

A reflection by Elisabetta Gramatica.

- In five minutes, I’ll be at Porta Nuova. How about a bite of breakfast to start the day?
- We’re already here. 

These simple words convey a daily moment that, if observed closely, reveal the very essence of human relations: spontaneity, understanding, and the good feeling that derives from belonging to a community.

In a rapidly moving world in which interactions are often reduced to quick messages or short exchanges, we forget how precious these instants are. They are moments that are worth more than objectives. It’s the bonds that we create that make the difference.

If I were to choose a distinctive characteristic that makes the Fondazione Mondo Digitale unique as a work place, it would be our ability to network: to cultivate the human relations that not only simplify work dynamics, but also enrich them with meaning.

In recent years, expressions such as “collaboration” and “ecosystem” have become part of our common language, especially after the pandemic. However, at FMD, these are not abstract terms, but concrete pillars on which our daily activities are founded. Interconnection between individuals is not only something to be pursued, it’s indispensable to drive projects, ideas, and grow together.

The value of human relations is manifested through the simplest gestures, like two coaches meeting to say hello and have a quick coffee before a day of work. Small gestures that are the tangible expression of a human-centred way of working. “No man is an island,” wrote John Donne, and this is what we try to demonstrate day in and day out through our projects and daily activities. Open exchanges, sharing, and teamwork lead to the development of innovative solutions and create a lasting impact.

At FMD, the strength of our results is created by the synergy amongst individuals – students, teachers, workers, and institutional representatives – who work together to develop something greater than the sum of the individual efforts. It’s a place where technology and innovation meet humanity to create a physical or virtual environment in which every individual is valued for who they are, not only what they do. It’s a human ecosystem in which relations drive change.

And this is what makes our way of working unique: recognising the human value of each interaction, even digital ones. 

Happy school year to everyone. We look forward to meeting you!

Elisabetta Gramatica, Project Officer and Milan and Turin Offices Coordinator

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