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Trust is good, but relying on others is even better

Il ruolo dei formatori nel pensiero di Elisabetta Gramatica

Trust is good, but relying on others is even better

Trust is good, but relying on others is even better

The role of trainers according to Elisabetta Gramatica

‘Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much’ (Helen Keller)

Sometimes we don't think enough about how fundamental trust is; trusting and, above all, relying on people. Trust is the invisible bond that holds communities together, that allows ideas to circulate, projects to come to life, dreams to become shared realities. It is an act of courage but, at the same time, it is often a necessity that, if lived with conviction, can become an essential opportunity.

At Fondazione Mondo Digitale ETS, trust is one of the pillars that supports our mission and that is realised, in particular, in the widespread network of trainers who operate in almost all regions of Italy. But our trainers are not just experts who pass on skills: they are true points of reference, guides capable of creating human connections and generating trust, especially in those who feel furthest from the opportunities that the digital world can offer. Relying on them is not only a practical choice, but often a necessity also for those who need to find motivation, courage and a sense of belonging, a clearer idea of their future. Trainers thus become positive role models, capable of listening, encouraging and igniting the spark of curiosity and change. Every day, with dedication and passion, they work to create inclusive learning environments, where people - and especially young people - not only learn, but feel welcomed, valued and inspired: from primary school students to university students, including young people looking for opportunities, for parents eager to better understand the digital world, for teachers who want to innovate teaching methods, for foreign citizens who find digital skills a tool for integration and autonomy, and even for the elderly who discover new possibilities to stay connected to the world and their loved ones, our trainers don't just teach, but also accompany, motivate and enable the growth of each individual.

This collective commitment allows us to spread not only practical skills, but also and above all the values that animate the Foundation: inclusion, innovation, solidarity and shared growth. It is only thanks to this network of mutual trust, continuous support in daily activities and sharing of common goals that we can really make a difference and create an impact in society. Because, after all, true progress is not only measured by the technology we are able to master, but also by the relationships of trust we are able to build with those who collaborate with us, with our trainers.

Trusting is good, but sometimes knowing you can rely on someone... is even better. 

So, a sincere thank you to all our trainers, in this busy period!


Text by Elisabetta Gramatica, project officer

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