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Trust and Responsibility

Trust and Responsibility

Trust and Responsibility

The President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, released a video message to the nation to reassure Italians and emphasise the need for agreement, responsibility and a united front. "We will overcome the current conditions even through the adoption of extraordinary measures [...].


The government has published a series of indications for daily behaviour provided by scientists and other experts. "They are simple yet important to avoid the risk of the spreading contagion wider. I would like to invite all of you to carefully observe these indications call mum even if they temporarily modify your lifestyle. respecting these criteria summer each of us will contribute concretely to overcoming this emergency ". [...]


"the current situation requires involvement, sharing, agreement and a united front In the commitment to defeat this virus by institutions, politics, society and Media" [see full text of the message].


To contrast the diffusion of the coronavirus it is necessary that everyone of us cooperates. Follow these simple recommendations and share them!



Per combattere la diffusione del Coronavirus è necessario che ognuno faccia la sua parte. Segui queste semplici raccomandazioni e condividi!


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