The Fondazione Mondo Digitale and ENI have renewed their alliance and launched the second edition of the original STEAM training course for women (coding, reframing and fabbing). Labs and meetings with role models will introduce the young women to emerging professional roles and areas, with a specific focus on the impact of technology on the energy value chain. CO.ME.SE (COde&FraME for Self-Empowerment) aims to continue promoting reframing and helping young women to develop their contribution towards a valuable and inclusive development.
The second edition presents a renewed course (coding, reframing and fabbing), two new modules (Energy Fact Check and Mini Joule) and expands its reach to all of Italy.
Today’s Session
28.10 15-17 | Framing and Reframing
Coach Elisa Chierchiello | Platform: Microsoft teams
A shared work platform with ENI to accelerate the energy transition
With the contribution of the Coding Girls
- Interest young women in research, scientific culture and civil commitment
- Orient young women towards STEAM studies and professions
- Invest in schools and training as pillars of sustainability
- Promote the driving role of millennials in the sharing economy
- Propose new positive models for women, reconciling lifestyles, professions and values
- Involve citizens in new challenges for the common good.
The students participate in a series of specific training actions to prepare them as activists for change, and to face the great environmental issues of our day.
- Framing and Reframing - methodologies such as Lego® Serious Play® and MTA Learning are used to develop a map of shared values and balance personal, educational, working and social choices.
- Coding – simple languages to programme great ideas.
- Digital Manufacturing – development of product, process and/or service prototypes to transform citizens into from consumers into contributors.
- Interactive Formats – the community is involved in original, collective development events (Jam Sessions, Flash Frames, etc.)
- Energy Fact Check – interactive webinars on fact-checking techniques applied to scientific and technological news, with a focus on energy.
- Mini Joule – an original enterprise orientation course in three phases: personal ecosystem, project ecosystem, service ecosystem.
- 2000 young women in high school
- 100 young women on enterprise orientation courses
- 20 young women on the Mini Joule course
The website and FMD social networks will cover the activities and stories of the protagonists, step by step.