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The new curriculum, provided by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale for the secondary reception centre for refugees in Casalotti, is based on various points:
- E-café Animation
- Certified Computer Courses
- Practical Courses and Labs
- Territorial Animation with Schools
The Practical Courses and Labs area includes the Practical Integration Courses on PCs for Foreign Citizens held by Romano Santoro. The first three courses (Welcome to Italy: Rights and Duties in Italian Society / Living in Italy: Home, Training and Work / Life in Italy: Health and Well-being) were attended by 161 guests.
Two further courses will soon begin:
- Saving and Earning in Italy – from on-line accounts to the posts system.
- Fn and Information in Italy – Social Networks to on-line information
For further information (PDFs):
- Training Course Pamphlet
- Basic Computer Course
- Advanced Computer Course
- Practical Courses and Labs
- Practical Integration