We are happy to inform you about this event promoted by AIL, an association collaborating with Project Factor J.
This year, Fitwalking for AIL, the non-competitive solidarity walk organised to raise funds to promote research and patient assistance for blood tumour patients and their relatives, will be held in a completely new manner due to the health emergency.
In order to follow all the regulations for the containment of the Covid-19 pandemic, AIL Onlus has decided to organise a virtual Fitwalking with sports professionals and fitness enthusiasts throughout Italy, and the entire Factor J community.
How to Participate in “Fitwalking for AIL”
Sunday, September 27 – wake up (but not too late!), have a healthy breakfast, wear the “Fitwalking for AIL” mask that will have been mailed to your house and choose your favourite walk to participate virtually in Fitwalking, together with your entire family. It can be the park under your house, your journey to work or shopping and, in fact, you can even stay home and use a treadmill or your corridors!
The most important thing is that you share your personal experience on the association’s social channels - along with photos and videos - and hashtag #versonuovitraguardi.
Click here to register for “Fitwalking for AIL 2020.” The participation kit will be mailed directly at your house.
Factor J, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with Janssen Italia, is the first Italian school curriculum for educating students to develop emotional intelligence, respect and empathy towards individuals suffering from unease of disease. This is an important social operation to stimulate a change in mentality and culture in the new generations.