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Towards Gender Equality

Towards Gender Equality

Towards Gender Equality

In order to accelerate the achievement of gender equality, the "Compagnia di San Paolo, which operates since 2020 to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, has invested two million euro in 2021 on a hundred projects promoting gender equality in Piedmont, Liguria and Val D’Aosta, with the aim of making them replicable models that can be replicated elsewhere in Italy.”


The article on entitled “One Hundred and Twenty More Years to Bridge the Gender Gap” presents the projects promoted by the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, including Coding Girls in Turin.


“Every project fights old stereotypes. Coding Girls and Stem by Women, for example, aim to strengthen the relation between women and STEM subjects, making the environment more attractive to young women. While only one out of every four students is a woman, graduating women obtain better results than the men. This sector is growing quickly and by 2025, with the development of Industry 4.0, there will be ca. 7 million new jobs.”



One Hundred and Twenty More Years to Bridge the Gender Gap (in Italian)

In order to accelerate the achievement of gender equality, the Compagnia di San Paolo has invested two million euro in 2021 on a hundred projects in Piedmont, Liguria and Val D’Aosta, Feb. 28, 2022


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