TIM has announced that it has suspended activities for the Operation Digital Risorgimento Tour, the mobile Internet school that aims to accelerate the digitalisation of the country through activities in all 107 Italian provinces.
The decision follows the safety measures announced in Italy on account of the Coronavirus Emergency, including the suspension of all events and initiatives open to the public [see the law decree that introduces urgent measures to contain and manage the COVID-2019 Emergency].
Naturally, all project activities with ministries, regions, municipalities and partners will continue to allow Project “Operation Digital Risorgimento” to continues as soon as the situation allows. The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is continuing its work with schools to register new participants. Thanks to the memorandum of understanding undersigned with the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, the schools in 107 municipalities can become protagonists of digital education [see news: Notice for School].
TIM will continue to monitor the situation and restart the programme as soon as possible. The aim of Project “Operation Digital Risorgimento” is to extend digital competences that will help all citizens use the Internet and new technology to manage the logistics of events like the ongoing emergency.
In the meantime, we recommend that students and professors view the Operation Digital Risorgimento website3 and the educational short videos by Salvatore Aranzulla, a computer blogger and educator, and Ernesto Belisario, Technology Law Professor.
Have a pleasant vision!