The European Institute of Romania (EIR) is organising the final conference for Project A Key Access to the EU Rights – EUReKA. The final project event will be held next Thursday (November 18, 2021) from 10:30 to 1:30 (Bucharest time) [see agenda].
The objective of the conference is to present to all citizens of the European Union the conclusions of Project EUReKA and its main results. The project promotes and facilitates the mobility of EU citizens in the Union, calling for innovative initiatives and providing citizens with new tools that provide useful information (residence, school, work, housing, etc.):
- Geo-referenced web portal:
- Multilingual App: Google Play (Android) and App Store (iOS)
- Mobility Manual: Eu Mobile Citizens Go Digital
The event will be held on-line on the Zoom Platform. The working language will be English.
For further information:
Project EUReKA - A Key Access to EU Rights is funded by the European Rights, Equality and Citizenship – REC Programme (GA826666). The project is coordinated by Centro Studi e Ricerche Idos. The EU Mobile Citizens Go Digital handbook, the portal and the Key4mobility app were produced by the partnership, which includes Italian partners (ACLI Italia and Patronato ACLI, Fondazione Mondo Digitale, ANCI Lazio), German partners (acli e.V., the ACLI office in Germany), Romanian partners (Institutul European din Romania, Novapolis, Cartel ALFA), Croatian partners (Zagreb Grad), and French and Portuguese partners (Tandem Plus).