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Today in Milan at #SIOS18

Today in Milan at #SIOS18

Today in Milan at #SIOS18

Today, Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will participate in the round table dedicated to Ischool: an Attainment-based Society, held at 11 am at the Palazzo del Ghiaccio as part of StartupItalia! Open Summit 2018 [see news: Educating and Sharing].


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale also accepted the invitation to participate on the Startup Award Jury.


The StartupItalia! news desk has already identified the top-100 start-ups Italy that will be revealed during course of the Open Summit. The news desk will then select a short list of the best start-ups for 2018. The top-10 will be announced at 1 pm.


The final voting session – via a smartphone app – will take place between 5 and 7 pm. The start-up receiving the most preferences will receive the StartupItalia! Open Summit Award, as well as other special prizes.



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