A rich agenda of events marks the end of the Milan #Steminthecity initiative, born to promote scientific and technological subjects and help young women overcome gender stereotypes.
Today, the Scala in Milan will host the first day of the Stem Marathon (April 27-29) with over 100 young girls and women involved by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
Journalists Tiziana Ferrario (Rai) and Roberto Rasia from Polo will coordinate the initiative which also sees the particicpation of Education Minister Valeria Fedeli and Milan Mayor Giuseppe Sala. During the morning, over 250 young women from schools and universities in Milan will learn about the experience and advice of world renowned speakers, including Caroline Petit, Deputy Director UNRIC; Elisabetta Strickland, Professor of Algebra, Tor Vergata University; Cecilia Strada, President, Emergency; Ilaria Ragona, Eurofighter Pilot and Air Force Captain; Chiara Montanari, Head of Expedition in Antarctica; and Maria Rita Gismondo, Director of the Clinical Microbiology, Virologicy, and Bio-Emergency Diagnosis at the “Sacco di Milano” Hospital.
Teatro della Scala
Via Filodrammatici 2, Milan
9.30 am - 4.30 pm
At the same time, the Microsoft House will host 2 labs for Pink Cloud with 50 young coders in year four of primary school from the Istituto comprensivo Gonzaga, plesso Brunacci. Today, they will explore the Kodu creative environment and the Micro:Bit chipset. They are accompanied by their teacher, Ginetta Latini.