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Today on “Buongiorno Regione”

Today on “Buongiorno Regione”

Today on “Buongiorno Regione”

Today, the Buongiorno Regione Lazio Programme, live from the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, will address the new campaign for on-line citizens (#cittadinoinrete).


Reporter Antonella Armentano will meet with Mirta Michilli in the Robotics Centre, where young primary school children learn about the rudiments of robotics with the BeeBot thanks to Prof Tiziana Bifolco and young Coach Riccardo D'Aquino.


Emanuele Giacomini and Alessandro Marcon, students at the Rome del Pacinotti-Archimede School, will be working on Project Phoenix Soccer Robotcon with which they won the Robotics Olympics promoted by the Italian Ministry of University, Education and Research and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


Also today, at 2 pm, the Tg Lazio news programme will also feature the Phyrtual Innovation Gym. This time the programme will address the Digital Manufacturing Lab with Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, who concieved the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Model; Mauro Del Santo, Fab Lab Coach del fab lab and Prof Luciana Pitti from the Aldo Fabrizi Primary School and her class of young makers, who have also created a start-up for medical aids created via 3D printing.


Citizens On-line” is the focus of the new social campaign involving the 24 regional offices of the RAI 3 Regional News programmes for the entire week (May 16-21). The journalists will address innovation through the best cases and protagonists of this shift from the traditional to the digital society on all the channel media: television, radio, web and social networks with hashtag #CittadinoInRete.

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