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TKV on the Press

TKV on the Press


“The Knowledge Volunteers” Project is financed by the European Commission’s Grundtvig Programme and has been developed and promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The International project partners are: University of Edinburgh (UK); NGO 50plus Hellas (Greece); Societatea Romana Pentru Educatie Permanenta (Romania); Fundetec (Spain); Centrum vizualizace a interaktivity vzdělávání Ostrava (Czech Republic ) and ICVolunteers (Switzerland).
In Spain, Fundetec and 20 young tutors from the Vila-Roja School in Castellon (Almassora) are teaching students aged sixty and above how to use a computer, download photos and documents from the web and book appointments with their doctors.
Read the articles published on El Periodico Mediterraneo - 25 January 2013:


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