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Cecilia Stajano (School Innovation) will be one of the first to participate in the Lego Serious Play course for certified facilitators that will be held in Milan on September 8-11, 2014. The course will be held by Giorgio Beltrami, Professor at the Bicocca University of Milan and certified trainer for the Lego Serious Play methodology.
Cecilia will have the opportunity to experiment with the Lego Serious Play Method to fully value human capital and strategic decision-making processes such as problem solving and negotiation.
During the course of October, Prof. Beltrani will be at the Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym to hold a double workshop in the Ideation Room, the area conceived to promote creativity, innovation and enterprise through methodical thought, problem solving, decision making, business modelling, drawing and coding.
The Rome Lego Serious Play Workshop will be held on October 8-9 from 7-10 pm. Interested applicants should choose one of the two nights and book a place:
· Wednesday October 8: http://lsp1.eventbrite.it
· Thursday October 9: http://lsp2.eventbrite.it