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Think Outside the Box!

Rompiamo gli schemi! Premio FPA

Think Outside the Box!

Think Outside the Box!

Third edition of the award dedicated to innovators.

Once again, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale is a partner of Rompiamo gli schemi (Think Outside the Box), the 2023 award dedicated to innovators promoted by FPA, a company of the Digital360 Group.

The initiative, now in its third edition, focuses on people and their approach to change. And it perfectly suits our approach to FORUM PA 2023 (May 16-18, Palazzo dei Congressi, Rome), an event whose leitmotif and slogan is "Starting from people". In addition to applying for the award, you can also indicate an "innovator," a person who, by combining skills, ideas, courage and a spirit of initiative, has become an engine of change within the organization in which they work. Application deadline is March 24.

The organizers reiterate that the award is not presented to projects or solutions but only to people "who have broken the mould because they know that, in some moments, going beyond the borders and moving away from a consolidated way of doing things is necessary to support change, focusing on objectives and results, rather than procedures and fulfilments. People with a particular soft skills that can be declined in various expressions - emotional intelligence, creative problem solving, critical thinking, flexible thinking - but which we may summarize as the ability to find the best solutions by using creativity, overcoming the schemes and cages of consolidated thinking."

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