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Textbooks and Tablets

Textbooks and Tablets



The 7th Thematic Week on Digital Literacy in Schools continues with laboratories on mobile technology with primary school students at the Antonio Rosmini and Rita Levi Montalcini Schools.
Both schools are M-Learn partners (M-LEearn - Training Teachers to Use Mobile (handheld) Technologies in Mainstream School Education, the project that is implemented as part of the European Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme.
The project tests the integration of mobile technology for learning (mobile learning or mlearning) into initial teacher training, formazione in-service teacher training and continuous professional development programmes for teachers in four countries: England, Greece, Italy and the Netherlands.
Tomorrow, the Rome Città Educativa will host a workshop by Ludoteca del for the Thematic Week on Digital Literacy in Schools. This is a project implemented by the National Research Council Istituto di Informatica e telematica at the Rome Città Educativa. The workshop, hosted by Giorgia Bassi and Manuela Moretti, is reserved for years 3-5 of primary school and will address the Internet, safe navigation and multimedia applications.
During the course of the day, State Undersecretary to the Council of Ministers Sandro Gozi will visit the Phyrtual Innovation Gym laboratories at the Rome Città Educativa.
7th Thematic Week – full programme: From Analogical to Digital


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