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Technology, Sports, and the Environment

Urania Education Program

Technology, Sports, and the Environment

Technology, Sports, and the Environment

The first edition of the Urania Education Programme ends in Milan.

Last Sunday, May 7, marked the end of the first edition of the Urania Education Programme at the Milan Allianz Cloud. High school classes participated in the event organised by the Urania Basket sports association.

“The course blends technology, sports and the environment. Network, team, and sustainability are the key words on which the entire programme is based. The aim is to provide a wide overview of the main technology and application, with a particular focus on emerging technological scenarios and digital tools (Device, Cloud & Data, Gaming e Digital Payments)”. 

As part of the programme, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, in collaboration with Microsoft, was responsible for the Gaming Module with Samuele Sciacca (CEO, Dinobros) as coach.

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