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The Technology I Need

The Technology I Need

The Technology I Need

“I participated in the Job Digital Lab courses because I need digital skills to complete a project,” explains Fabrizio Pagni, 44 years old, from Milan. “I want to open a blog on start-ups to explain how ideas are conceived, how they take shape, and how companies are formed. I would like it to be a digital environment in which entrepreneurs can find inspiration, courage, comfort and share ideas.”


With the help of Nicoletta Vulpetti, a true lover of identity stories, the second edition of Job Digital Lab, the educational programme developed with ING Italia, presents the stories of the protagonists of personal and community change.


I always kept away from those who told me it was “too late.” I believe that each of us must follow their fil rouge, one composed of many different threads. I am 44 and have intertwined many of these threads over the years. In 2004, I graduated in Economics and then left Italy for Barcelona, Spain. I refer to these as my explorations. I am not running away from anything, but towards something. I found work in a café. Basically, they paid me to speak to people. And so I discovered that I liked to listen to people’s stories and write them down. I decide that my objective is journalism.

During the summer, I attended courses at El Pais, but I only really worked at a news desk when I returned to Italy, in 2008. I experienced the excitement of going to press and the white sheets waiting to be printed. I stayed in Milan until 2014, also working ata a maintenance company.

Then, I escaped again, this time, to Ireland to study English, but I ended up ina corporate governance analysis company. I checked thousands of PDFs from companies on the stock exchange. I missed people, though.

In 2016, I returned to Italy and attended a master’s in international Relations the next year. Then, I opened up a vintage clothing shop, but not as I wanted to. Sometimes the threads get to entangled. I needed to unravel them and start all over.

I participated in the Job Digital Lab courses because I need digital skills to complete a project. I want to open a blog on start-ups to explain how ideas are conceived, how they take shape, how a company is created through the stories of the individuals involved in the adventure.

I would like it to be a digital environment in which entrepreneurs can find inspiration, courage, comfort and share ideas. Because, at any age, in any situation, the concept “too late” must become “we can.”



The Other Stories


Job Digital Lab. Training to Get Back in Action!


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Job Digital Lab. La fomazione che ti rimette in gioco!
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