Next Monday – January 11 –the “Grandparents On-line. All Young at the Post Office” digital literacy programme promoted by Poste Italiane with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale begin again to teach elders how to use the web and modern communication technology.
The courses are based on intergenerational learning model and held in the computer labs of 30 schools throughout Italy, including Catanzaro, Caserta, Mantua, Catania, Pisa, Asti and Treviso.
The programme entails 15 two-hour lessons held by a teacher assisted by one tutor per each student, who will provide the elders with all the competences necessary to use new technology.
The official press release by the Italian postal system indicates: “This digital literacy programme underlines the significant contribution of young men and women in the fight against the social and technological exclusion of over-65s in Italy.”
Who are the students that are helping to combat the digital divide? Here are their voices. They are all aged 16-17, attend schools throughout Italy and have chosen to become tutors and help teach elders
Let’s listen to Andrea, Agata, Filippo, Arianna, Pedra, Luca, Federica, Federico, Riccardo, Alice and Giuseppe.
The lessons address basic aspects of introduction to personal computers, programmes and the Internet with particular attention to services that can be enjoyed on-line, such as access to information, health services, e-government, on-line payments and on-line purchases.