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Technology for the Environment

Technology for the Environment

Technology for the Environment

One World Ocean Day is not enough ... In order to raise awareness over 2021-2030, the United Nations has proclaimed the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development to strengthen cooperation amongst scientists and promote the achievement of Objective 14 of the 2030 Agenda. The aim is to conserve and use oceans, seas and marine resources for a long-lasting sustainable development.


Following the annual appointment on June 8, which this year is dedicated to Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean, we sought to understand what the impact of the lockdown will be on marine research on ocean beds. Did the health emergency block robots, too?


The protagonist of the new appointment of "RomeCup Stories" is Engineer David Scaradozzi from the Department of Computer, Control and Automation (DIIGA) at the Università Politecnica delle Marche.


Even if we speak about the marine environment and how technology can help us to safeguard it, we have to consider the robots that are employed in a given context and raise ethical issues concerning their interaction with humans and the environment.


This is the main challenge of MareBOT for David Scaradozzi. The contest, developed by the Interuniversity Center of Integrated Systems for the Marine Environment (ISME), Talent and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale for RomeCup, will be held next year with a greater number of teams, including those that had started working on the challenge with the university this year.


In the meantime, during the lockdown, researchers concentrated especially on simulations to optimize the efficiency of operations to safeguard the marine environment.



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