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Technology Doesn’t Scare Us

Technology Doesn’t Scare Us

Technology Doesn’t Scare Us

The last school bell of the year marks the beginning of summer vacation, freedom and free time for hobbies. However, for older students, it’s also a time to face their future to make adrenaline-filled choices on how to continue their educational careers.


Last week, the school bell in Palermo and throughout Sicily, also marked the last day for student tutors and grandparents who worked together throughout the year on the digital literacy project for the elderly. On June 8, the Liceo Meli in Palermo held the final event of Project “Active Ageing and Solidarity Amongst Generations through Learning and Social Innovation.”  


Mrs. Mariola, for example, attended the course at the IIS Finocchiaro Aprile School. For her, the last day of school was filled with premature nostalgia: if the Internet is a companion for those who feel lonely,” as she pointed out, “going back to school to learn how to use it is the best antidote against solitude.”

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Nonna Mariola: internet è un compagno di vita per chi è solo. #invecchiamentoAttivo @fmdigitale @MirtaMichilli

— Rosy D'Elia (@Rosy_FMDigitale) June 8, 2016


For Mr. Salvatore, the last school bell represents the perfect opportunity to remember when he shared the last day of school with an exceptional classmate: Giovanni Falcone.




While for other grandparents, the bell will not put an end to their desire to learn more about new technology.


Giulio: non so se promuovono i nonni. Per ora devono fare i compiti delle vacanze. @fmdigitale #invecchiamentoAttivo

— Rosy D'Elia (@Rosy_FMDigitale) June 8, 2016

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