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Technology for Art


Technology for Art

Technology for Art


Alessandra is 27 years old and has a degree in “Science for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage” from the University of Bologna. She has also enriched her education through a series of intensive courses held abroad. However, to date, she has only had quick job interviews.
This is why she has decided to continue her education with more technical skills. In fact, she grew curious about the many laboratories held at the Officina – New Jobs Workshop and especially the Fab Lab.
In the meantime, there’s no stopping her. Over the summer she is going to work as a waiter and in her free time she organises games and activities for children.


The Officina is a project developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Google to promote digital skills and support the professional training and orientation of 10,000 young men and women in search of a job. The initiative is implemented with the patronage of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the Collaboration of the Italian Ministry of University, Education and Research, the Regione Lazio and Roma Capitale.

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