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Protect your home and your online life

Villaggio digitale, al via un nuovo percorso per gli universitari
Foto di cottonbro studio

Protect your home and your online life

Protect your home and your online life

Digital village, a new course for university students is underway

Insurance against domestic accidents with INAIL is compulsory for all persons who:

  • are aged between 18 and 67
  • carry out, free of charge and without subordination, an activity aimed at caring for family members and the environment in which they live;
  • carry out domestic work on a regular and exclusive basis, i.e. they do not carry out other activities for which there is an obligation to register with another institution or social security fund.

Among the people obliged to register, provided that they take care of the home on a regular basis, are also students who live in the city of residence or in a different location and who also take care of the environment in which they live [see the Inail Accident Insurance for the Home brochure].

That's why, in collaboration with the student association UniRete Tor Vergata, we have come up with a new Digital Village course dedicated to university students, including those from the University of Roma Tre. Starting on 28 February, over a total of 16 sessions and 32 hours (online and on demand), young people will explore the topics of home safety and the digital dimension of everyday life. 


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