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Talking Heads at School

Talking Heads at School

Talking Heads at School

We have all been transformed into talking heads. Since the health emergency started, we have all been videoconferencing with little more than our heads visible. I have never been in front of a camera for so long. I spend days in front of my PC’s video camera, attending webinars, meetings, talks and live events. [...]


When this health emergency will have ended and on-line schooling remains but a memory, we will discover our entireness again, but we will also be able to use these devices much more adeptly. It’s not the devices that make us dumber!


The School Channel of the Agenda Digitale magazine has published a new article by FMD Director General Mirta Michilli on "Talking Heads" during the health emergency, starting from the experience of Project Factor J.


Scuola a mezzobusto” (Talking Heads at School)

Mental Health: How School Trains Our Empathy for the More Fragile

We use technology to be more careful, more involved, to reach those who we have not heard from for a while. Only this can make us invincible against digital anaemia, so that when the emergency is finally over and on-line schooling just a memory, we will discover that we are a much greater whole!

by Mirta Michilli

Agenda Digitale, Oct. 26, 2020


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