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A Survey in Six Countries

A Survey in Six Countries

A Survey in Six Countries

We invite all organisations working with migrants to participate in this survey that aims to gather information on best practices for integration at the European level.


The survey addresses the right to free circulation and inclusion of mobile EU citizens, which is the object of Project EUReKA - A Key Access to EU Rights, funded by the European Rights, Equality and Citizenship – REC Programme. The 24-month project (15/07/2019 - 14/07/2021) involves 11 partners from six countries (CroatiaFranceGermanyItaly, Portugal and Romania) and is coordinated by the Centro Studi e Ricerche Idos.


The objective of the survey is to map and evaluate existing technological tools (especially websites and apps) that provide easy access to information, services and orientation for EU citizens and their families living in another member state.


The information will be used to design and develop an on-line help desk (a web portal) and an application to test in the involved countries to improve the level of access to and the use of digital information.


To participate in the survey (select the survey in your language):


Thanks for dedicating your time to the survey!

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