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Surfing in Cagliari

Surfing in Cagliari

Surfing in Cagliari

The Istituto tecnico per il settore economico Pietro Martini in Cagliari, managed by Headmaster Domenico Ripa, hosts the fifteen edition of Grandparents on the Internet, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale’s longest standing project.


Today, eighteen over-60s will return to school to work with student tutors and coordinating teacher Marcella Lecca.


The course, which will be held on Mondays and Thursdays (2:30-4:30 pm) at the Viale Ciusa Computer Lab, includes 15 lessons for a total of 30 lesson hours. The grandparents will be tutored by fourth year students: 14 boys and 7 girls.


The eldest student is Sergio, 83, a retired railway worker. His classmates include a book dealer, a journalist, a nurse and two retired military members, as well as employees and housewives.


Best of luck with this new adventure!



Today, Cecilia Stajano, FMD School Innovation Coordinator and Project Manager, and Roman tutor Giulia will be guests of the "Siamo noi" Programme on TV2000 (3:20 pm) to describe the extraordinary relation that develops with their elder students learning about the digital economy. Today’s, programme is dedicated to nostalgia and memories ("viaggio tra i sentimenti e le emozioni della nostalgia. Storie, racconti e testimonianze di chi è legato indissolubilmente ai ricordi del passato").


Watch the programme live at: TV2000 Live


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