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Superheroes in White Robes

Superheroes in White Robes

Superheroes in White Robes

Not all superheroes wear capes, some wear white robes. Team Deep Web, which took first place at the Turin hackathon with an animated story dedicated to doctors, is composed by Gaia, Miriam, Giulia and Luca, all students at IIS Bosso-Monti aged 19-20.


Their victory marks the end of the first stop of the Coding Girls at the University of Turin. Over 100 young women organized into 17 teams participated in the creative programming challenge held at the University of Turin [see news: Starting in Turin].


The challenge brief was "You are superheroes! What would you save?".





1st Place 

Team Deep Web - IIS Bosso-Monti from Turin

Gaia (20), Giulia (20), Miriam (20), Luca (19)

A script to promote hidden superheroes, not just those on social media, but all those who act without being seen. A challenge for users to discover their superheroes are … doctors! They developed a cartoon in which a doctor has to save a person, but first the user must help the patient exit from a labyrinth, avoiding diseases and other dangers, also becoming a sort of superhero.



2nd Place 

Team Dam - IIS Avogadro 

Diana (18), Alessia (19), Marta (15)

A script to transmit positive values to the audience. We can all be superheroes through our words and behaviour. They developed a game in which a superheroine must avoid negative words and catch positive ones.



3rd Place – ex aequo

Team Gagiofelia - IIS Cottini

Giorgia (14), Cecilia (15), Gaia (15), Federica (15)

A script to save our country’s cultural heritage. The students developed a quiz game inquiring how to behave in given conditions. The right choice helps build the … Tower of Pisa! And this allows users to save Italian art.


Team c6h12o6 - IIS Bosso-Monti 

Giulia (18), Ludovica (18), Roberta (19)

A script to promote education. The superhero is not a demigod; all of us can be superheroes in everyday situations. Thanks to a charity dance, superheroes finance a school to promote education in Africa. The programmers wish to save culture and pass it on to everyone, even the poorest.



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Coding Girls 2019 - Il tour


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