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In the Suburbs of Reggio

In the Suburbs of Reggio

In the Suburbs of Reggio

At the Istituto comprensivo Bernardino Telesio on the outskirts of Reggio Calabria (Modena Area), which is managed by Marisa Maisano, the new school year for Project OpenSpace starts at the school’s digital manufacturing lab, one of the Phyrtual Innovation Gym areas under development.


For the entire week, students in five year-two classes were introduced to digital manufacturing tools by experts Maurizio Ferrara and Emanuele Marino, founders and makers at the Fab Lab - Reggio Calabria.


Tuesday afternoons are dedicated to teacher training sessions.


The local educational community is consolidating and expanding thanks to the contribution of a “group of professionals who embrace open source and open hardware policy. They share experiences, test new unconventional courses and create technological items.”


The week’s schedule has been prepared with Coordinator Giovanna Vadalà and Eleonora Scrivo, local representative for Action Aid, the lead partner.


OpenSpace – Spaces for the Active Participation of the Educational Community, selected by Con i Bambini as part of the Fund to contrast the educational poverty of minors is a four-year project that aims to make communities more inclusive and responsible, promoting the educational and cultural growth and the empowerment of pre-adolescents and adolescents. The project is being held in suburban areas of BariMilanPalermo and Reggio Calabria.

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