Studying with lapbooks and interactive notebooks is easy, especially for children with special educational needs.
Last Saturday, the Phyrtual Innovation Gym hosted a workshop with Carlotta Malavasi that involved teachers and students in the creation of a lapbook, a dynamic folder of creative content with all types of books and formats, creating a true three-dimensional interactive map.
The lab is part of Project MaTHiSiS - Managing Affective-learning THrough Intelligent atoms and Smart InteractionS, financed by tghe European Commission as part of the Horizon 2020 ICT 2015 – Information and Communication Technologies Programme.
In this interview with Cecilia Stajano [@CStajano], "support mom," as Carlotta Malavasi defines herself, explains the contribution of lapbooks in simplifying learning processes and possible integration with digital tools.
Ascolta "Come fare un lapbook: laboratorio con Carlotta Malavasi" su Spreaker.
The photo gallery by Irene Caretti, apprentice from the Istituto superiore per le Industrie artistiche (ISIA) at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.