Gaia and Sara attend year three at the Istituto comprensivo Rita Levi Montalcini in Rome. At the Phyrtual Innovation Gym lab held by Coach Lara Forgione, they discovered how to use the Google Cardboard visor to learn more about a range of subjects they studied in class.
"It’s more fun to study with these visors, because it’s like being inside a book,” they explain to Eleonora Curatola. Still enthusiastic about their first immersive experience, Gaia and Sara speak together, picking up where the other drops off.
They learned that studying is like “living an adventure.”
Project “BYE: Build Your Experience” (May 2016 - May 2017) is an initiative by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale financed by Google for Education as part of the Google RISE Awards 2016 Programme, the yearly grant for non-profit organisations, to promote STEM subjects amongst young men and women with less access to the study of technical and scientific subjects.
The project organized experiential storytelling labs for young female students (especially those in the Lazio Region) aged 6-16.