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The Story of Class 3C

The Story of Class 3C

The Story of Class 3C

Sofia attends a year-three class at the Istituto comprensivo Quasimodo in Rome. Together with the class, she participated in the coding lab held by the Coding Girls and learned to code and tell a story with Scratch.


In this interview with Eleonora Curatola, Sofia describes the scene she developed for “The Story of Class 3C,” a cooperative story developed together with her classmates. The story sequence includes a fairy, a witch and a cat.


The Scratch Platform, the free coding language developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab, allows children to create interactive stories and share them on the web.




The lab was held at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym as part of the All Digital Week European Campaign, promoted by All Digital, the organisation that represents the most important European Networks working with new technology. The campaign (March 19-25) addresses the commitment of agencies, institutions, organisations and research centres to promote digital competences, especially amongst the young


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