Even if with few resources and inadequate competences, nobody in the world of school gave up and just waited for the end of the health emergency and the lockdown.
Many teachers quickly and energetically took action to avoid blocking didactic activities, conscious of the importance of schooling. Schools are borderless spaces that encourage sharing, debate and emotions, that places human relationships at the centre to contribute to individual and community growth and development. It is important not only to allow the continuity of courses, but also to avoid blocking this sense of community and making students more fragile. [...]
The article by Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, dedicated to stories of resilience in the educational community is now available on the School Channel of the Agenda digitale magazine.
Schools during Covid: Stories of Resilience in the Educational Community
Although due to the health emergency, nearly fifty percent of students worldwide were not able to attend schools and continue their lessons, schools never came to a halt. The experiences that come from the educational community shed a light on the positive and critical points of using digital tools to continue studying.
by Mirta Michilli
Agenda Digitale, July 27, 2020