2 min.
"On the one hand, the country is profoundly different and increasingly multicultural. For years now Ahmed, Lin and Phoebes have been sitting side by side with Sofia, Marco and Lucas. On the other hand, however, schools, the principal seat of learning and entrance point to society, a place in which we rely on the creativity of teachers and their good will, but provide no structural tools to promote the use of languages and fight old prejudices.”
This is the beginning of an article published on July 17, 2013 on Repubblica.it to present a document by the Accademia della Crusca and other linguistic associations promoting multilingualism in Italian schools. Languages are fundamental to understand and accept others. They are a prime factor for integration. Silvana Ferreri and Miriam Voghera compiled the document entitled “Knowing various languages is a source of wealth.” Tullio De Mauro was amongst the first to sign and promote it.
Project "Citizenship and Integration" addresses this issue by promoting social inclusion and fighting discrimination in school.
The initiative is promoted as part of Project Città Educativa, managed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale thanks to the support of Roma Capitale, Family, Education and Youth Council, Department of School and Educational Services.
The planned activities aim to directly involve students, along with their teachers and school administrators, in the integration of foreigners that are an integral part of the local community. The objective is to introduce students to cultural, linguistic and social integration issues by providing them with concrete opportunities to enact change.
The project is based on exchange and dialogue and aims to impart both teaching and promote reciprocal learning: learn about a culture and teach about one’s own.
For further information:
• Article: "Languages are good for our Youth" in italian by Alessia Manfredi