The collaboration between TIM and the City of Genoa is underway with the first custom-tailored courses organised by the School of Internet for Everyone. [see news: Services in a File].
Residents of Genoa and its metropolitan area can now take advantage of two sessions: one on the use of the SPID digital identity service which allows safe acess to on-line services and one on the Fascicolo del Cittadino, a register of personal digital information, to access data, documents and use the on-line services of the City of Genoa, rapidly and easily.
The courses begin today, November 16, with “Improving Life through Digital Tools” for 450 Genoese residents. Nearly all of them have already activated their SPID accounts, but only 25% have accessed the “Fascicolo del cittadino.”
The virtual classrooms will mostly be attended by women (58%). Participants are in the following age groups: over-65s (26%), 55-64 (30%), 45-54 (25%) and 35-44 (10%). Younger age groups have lower percentages. In terms of educational level, most participants have high school diplomas, while 28% has a degree. Only 13% of participants stopped studying at middle school. Most participants are employees; less than 4% are self-employed or entrepreneurs.
For further information and course registration: