Fiammetta Castagnini [@Fiammetta_FMD], a Fondazione Mondo Digitale Coach, will hold the last lab before the summer break at the ENEA Reception Centre (former Sprar, now Siproimi) [see Project #Here]. Guests and operators will work together to develop a “sound diary of the ENEA Centre.”
- Writing to Speak
- Introduction to Production Tools: Microphone
- Introduction to Post-production Tools: Digital Audio Workstation
- Acoustic Planet: Environment
- Soundscape Exercises
- Recording Voice
- Editing Techniques
Project #HERE, conceived by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and developed in collaboration with the “Tre Fontane” Cooperative at the Sprar-Siproimi Centre has developed a permanent workshop on new technology for both the guests and operators at the centre to improve their digital competences and experiment with new ways of socialising and learning in a creative and innovative manner. Project activities also include the organisation of a digital corner dedicated to storytelling.