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Solidarity Marathon

Solidarity Marathon

Solidarity Marathon
Makers and the Rome CPIA 4 have joined together to help in the fight against the Covid-19 emergency.


Dear Friends,

Thanks to national information networks, we have heard about the possibility of 3D-printing protective masks and valves for ventilators. Following the collaboration between the Rome CPIA 4 FabLabArt, founded on 10/12/2015 and which joined the Fondazione Mondo Digitale Network of Phyrtual Innovation Gyms, and given the Covid-19 health emergency and the lack of medical equipment and ventilators, we have decided to join the national drive of technicians, fab labs and makers to produce necessary devices with our printers


Our 3D printers have the following characteristics:

2 CampuSprint3D 1.1 Printers

Printing Area (XYZ): 150x140x117 mm

Filament diameter: 1.75 mm


Please contact us should you require any further information. All the best.


This letter by school administrator Gianna Renzini kicked off the collaboration between the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the Rome CPIA 4. Matteo Viscogliosi, Manager of the FMD Innovation Gym Fab Lab, immediately put the school in contact with the group of makers in Rome. The aim is to share digital tools to help out with the Covid-19 emergency.


The Rome CPIA 4 FabLab Art – which joined the Fondazione Mondo Digitale Network of Phyrtual Innovation Gyms – communicated its availability to collaborate on this drive with the school’s 3D printers. One of the teachers even took the printers home to continuously produce articles as required by the makers who are coordinating the manufacturing effort.


Early this morning, Daniele Vigo, a Fondazione Mondo Digitale Coach and Digital Manufacturing expert, started producing Dave and Charlotte valves that will be applied to the Decathlon snorkelling masks and a new prototype of goggles for health workers.


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