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Soft Skills for Work

Soft Skills for Work

Soft Skills for Work

Enact, which was presented last week during the course of an event held at the Italian offices of the European Parliament and Commission, is an on-line game that is now ready to be tested in didactic contexts as a tool to promote education.


This week, the Enact Game is being used for self-awareness sessions as part of the tracks held at the Officina – New Jobs Workshop, the educational project developed jointly by Google and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale to increase digital skills amongst young men and women.


The Self-Awareness Sessions include exercises, group work and tests to learn to self-control and manage all new challenges that may be encountered in today’s complex society.  This includes strategies to stimulate open thinking and practice key skills for success in the 21st century, including communication, which is fundamental in both working contexts and daily relations, both formal and informal.


The Enact Game is used to integrate these sessions and help young participants to understand and evaluate their negotiation skills. Even communication skills can be exercised and improved to help participants relate better to others and manage conflicts successfully.  

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