On Friday, a working agreement was undersigned with the City of Rome to promote free courses on digital skills with the Councillorship for Social Policy and Health of the City of Rome.
The objective is to create an ecosystem of hybrid alliances to promote the challenge of social inclusion through free digital training activities for elders and other fragile citizens. The agreement also entails the creation of a work group to identify the best strategies for implementing and efficiently monitoring the actions. The collaboration will begin with a series of actions dedicated to senior centre members.
“The use of new technological tools,” declared Councillor Barbara Funari to the AGR Press Agency, “have become fundamental to reduce inequalities and contrast educational poverty. This is why we decided to promote the knowledge accrued by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with activities that will all our more fragile citizens to acquire the skills necessary to take advantage of the opportunities provided by technology, even in everyday life and feel less isolated. Some projects will provide courses for young men and women on job inclusion. The agreement also includes courses on digital skills in senior citizen centres in the City of Rome” [see (in Italian): Campidoglio, formazione digitale per anziani, migranti e cittadini fragili].
The four-year agreement was signed by Michela Micheli, Director of the Department for Social Policy, Subsidiarity and Health, Barbara Funari, Social and Health Policy Councillor for the City of Rome, and Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
See (in Italian): Sociale, firmato un accordo per la formazione digitale in aiuto delle persone più fragili