"[...] with the Milan Polytechnic smart learning design methodology, participants joint a “smart learning” community and are supported by tutors and experts in their studies. Six hours of training are dedicated to orientation and work orientation. Moreover, the modular and flexible Smart Track courses provide on-line training in three areas for 40 hours each: life skills (stress management, empathy, critical thinking), basic digital skills (Microsoft365 to generative AI), and specific professional digital skills. The final phase is different for each profile and includes a choice of courses ranging from customer service to large distribution and retail.”
On Il Sole 24 Ore , journalist Claudio Tucci describes Project Smile (acronym for SMart Innovative Learning for Employment) that will be presented today at 10:00 at the Milan Poloytechnic Educafè. The objective of the project, selected and supported by the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale - Impresa sociale, is to promote work reintegration for unemployed individuals aged 34-50 in Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Piedmont, Lombardy, and Tuscany.
Sedici percorsi per potenziare le competenze digitali
(Sixteen courses to improve digital skills.)
By Claudio Tucci
Il Sole 24 Ore, Nov. 7, 2024